
Job Vacancy PT. Bank Syariah Bukopin Sidoarjo

Career Opportunities

Needed immediately as the company’s employees engaged in banking, with the position:

Teller (TL)

1. Male / female (Max 27 Year)
2. Graduated S1
3. Attractive appearance
4. GPA min.2.75


1. Male / female (Max 27 Year)
2. Graduated S1
3. Attractive appearance
4. GPA min.2.75


1. Male / female (Max 27 Year)
2. Graduated S1
3. GPA min.2.75

Send application to the Division of SDI no later than 11 February 2011 with the position code to:

PT. Bank Syariah Bukopin
Kantor Cabang Sidoarjo
Ruko Gateway Blok A5-6
JL. Raya Waru Sidoarjo
Selengkapnya / Read More - Job Vacancy PT. Bank Syariah Bukopin Sidoarjo

Lowongan Kerja SMK PLN Jakarta Februari 2011

TAHUN 2011

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja , PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Jabodetabek dan Banten, membutuhkan tenaga kerja tingkat SMU dan SMK baik yang sudah lulus maupun yang masih duduk di Tingkat terakhir untuk mengikuti seleksi rekrutmen.

Download Pengumuman Lowongan (klik skip ad untuk melihat pengumuman)

Selengkapnya / Read More - Lowongan Kerja SMK PLN Jakarta Februari 2011

Lowongan Kerja SMK PLN Wilayah NTB Februari 2011

Kami sampaikan pengumuman LOWONGAN KERJA TENAGA PELAKSANA Di PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat. Paling Lambat 05 Februari 2011, cap pos (penyampaian lamaran lewat tanggal tersebut tidak akan diproses).

Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke PO BOX 8311, Mataram 83114

Selengkapnya, silakan :

Selengkapnya / Read More - Lowongan Kerja SMK PLN Wilayah NTB Februari 2011

Lowongan Kerja SMK PLN Wilayah Wilayah Sulsel, Sultra, Sulbar Februari 2011

PT PLN (Persero) Mengajak Putera terbaik Bangsa
Bergabung Bersama Kami, Membangun Negeri

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Wilayah Sulsel, Sultra Dan Sulbar membutuhkan tenaga kerja tingkat SMU/MA/SMK baik yang sudah lulus maupun yang masih duduk di kelas 12.

Jabatan tersebut dikategorikan sebagai Tenaga Pelaksana dengan usia pensiun 45 tahun dan Jaminan Sosial dikelola oleh Lembaga Asuransi yang ditunjuk oleh Perusahaan. Adapun kriteria yang dipersyaratkan adalah sebagai berikut :


1. Diutamakan berasal dari penduduk di wilayah kerja PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Sulsel, Sultra Dan Sulbar dan dibuktikan dengan KTP atau Surat Keterangan Domisili.
2. Berat badan proporsional terhadap tinggi badan, tidak melebihi standar obesitas (BMI maksimum 30).
3. Berbadan sehat (sesuai standar laboratorium), tidak buta warna, tidak rabun malam, maksimum minus 2 dan tidak silindris, dan tidak menderita epilepsi.
4. Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya dan tidak terlibat tindakan kriminal yang dituangkan dalam surat pernyataan di atas materai.
5. Tidak bertatto dan tidak ditindik/bekas tindik di telinganya atau anggota tubuh lainnya
6. Memiliki kemampuan fisik untuk dapat melakukan pekerjaan di Bagian Operasi, termasuk diantaranya:
Bekerja secara shift (siang/malam)
Bekerja pada fasilitas pembangkit di lokasi pembangkit
Bekerja secara disiplin dan melaksanakan peraturan SMM, SML, SMK3 & K2LH.
7. Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan prajabatan selama maksimal 12 bulan dengan status sebagai siswa Diklat prajabatan.
8. Apabila telah lulus Diklat prajabatan, akan diangkat sebagai Pegawai tetap dan wajib menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 (lima) tahun semenjak diangkat sebagai pegawai.

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengirim lamaran Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada :

Panitia Rekrutmen Operator, Teknisi & Administrasi
PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah SULSELRABAR.
Pada bagian kiri atas ditulis kode jabatan yang dituju (contoh: 1.TEKDIS, 2.OPDIS; bagi yang memilih 2 pilihan) ke PO BOX 1206 (Makassar), PO Box 5000 (Kendari) dan PO Box 888 (Mamuju).

Dengan melampirkan dokumen berupa:
1. Fotokopi KTP atau Surat Keterangan Domisili yang masih berlaku dan Pasfoto Berwarna 2 lembar Ukuran 3 x 4 cm
2. Fotokopi Akte Kelahiran/ Surat Kenal Lahir
3. Fotokopi ijazah dan NEM / Hasil UAN SMA, Madrasah Aliyah dan SMK yang telah dilegalisir
4. Fotokopi rapor terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
5. Daftar Riwayat Hidup dengan mencantumkan Nomor HP atau Nomor Telpon Rumah yang dapat dihubungi
6. Surat pernyataan di atas materai yang menyatakan bahwa:
tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
tidak terlibat tindakan kriminal
belum menikah
7. Surat keterangan berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna serta tinggi badan

Lamaran ini ditutup tanggal 5 Februari 2011 (cap pos).
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti Tes Akademis tanggal 16 – 18 Februari 2011 melalui Web Site PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah SULSEL, SULTRA DAN SULBAR : http://sulselra.pln.co.id/default.aspx atau dipapan Pengumuman.

Tidak dilakukan korespondensi dengan pelamar dan keputusan panitia rekrutmen tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Selengkapnya silakan :

Download Pengumuman (klik skip ad untuk melihat pengumuman)

Selengkapnya / Read More - Lowongan Kerja SMK PLN Wilayah Wilayah Sulsel, Sultra, Sulbar Februari 2011

Lowongan PT Rekayasa Industri Januari 2011

PT Rekayasa Industri is established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on August 12, 1981 to develop national capabilities in engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) for large industrial plant into a world-class capability. PT Rekayasa Industri (REKIND) is today one of the foremost EPCC companies in Indonesia. The company’s scope of EPCC business includes: Gas, Geothermal, Refinery, Petrochemical, Mineral, Environmental, and Infrastructure. In addition, the company also provides services for Project/Plant Feasibility Studies and Plant Maintenance. PT Rekayasa Industri is currently seeking experienced and competent professional to joint our company, as below :

Civil Supervisor

Qualification :
  • Minimum D3 in Civil Engineering with minimum 5 years experience or Senior High School with minimum 8 years experience as Civil Supervisor in Maintenance or Construction in piping project, power plant, petrochemical, mining or oil and gas.
  • Understand with work preparation method for Civil structure (road, building, and concrete).
  • Understand work method and preparation for general civil, project (road, drainage, slope stabilization, hydro).
  • Has capability to lead manpower in the field and supervisory work.
  • Able to interpret civil drawing.
  • Able to develop bill of material for a drawing.
  • Able to develop cost estimation for small task.
  • Understand basic lifting and rigging plan.
  • Applied knowledge of project management.
  • Fluent in English, speaking & writing.
  • Basic knowledge of safety & environment (LOTO, permit system, lifting, rigging, scaffolding, fire protection, hydrocarbon management, etc).
  • Familiar with classification of major civil material, e.g., profile steel, grating, re-bar, bulk materials.
  • Familiar with API, ANSI, ASTM, ASME.
  • Have ability to do work planning.
  • Understand with safety and potential hazard on working location.
  • Skillful, competent and high motivated.
Please send your application and complete Resume in English, along with transcript, color Photograph and expected salary within one week to :

Attn. Dimhot Sinaga

Contract Specialist

General Requirement :
  • Minimum Bachelor degree (preferably in law degree), with minimum IPK of 2.75.
  • Minimum 3 (three) years experience in preparing and/or reviewing, negotiating and administering contractual documents.
  • Strong negotiation and analytical skills.
  • Good written and fluent oral communication in English is a must.
  • Self starter, strong self discipline, hard & smart worker, able to work as a team, and commitment to his/her work.
  • In depth knowledge in Engineering, Procurement and Construction business, as well as familiar him/herself with Indonesian oil and gas regulations, are advantages.
  • Willing to works beyond the normal working hours.
  • Willing to travel, including stay in the remote area.
Main Responsibilities :
  • Ensuring the compliance to the prevailing laws of all contractual documents to be made and entered into by Company.
  • Preparing, reviewing, and administering various contractual documents (including without limitation to agreement, amendment and/or addenda) in relation to: (i) the proposal to be submitted by Company to its potential client, and (ii) the project to be executed by Company for its client, including any partnership agreement with Company’s business partner for the purpose of participation in the tender and/or execution of the project.
  • Adjusting the standard conditions of contract for subcontractors and vendors for the purpose of execution of the project.
  • Preparing identification of contractual risks for the purpose of risk mitigation.
  • Together with other function(s) within Company, negotiating the terms and conditions of contractual documents with clients, subcontractors and vendors in relation to the project to be executed by Company.
  • Preparing executive summary for Company’s management of the resultant contractual document.
  • Administering claims, changes/variations order toward clients during the execution of the project up to closing out of the project.
  • Any other works related to the performance of the foregoing responsibilities as deemed necessary to be performed from time to time.
Please send your application and complete Resume in English, along with transcript, color Photograph and expected salary within one week to :

Manager HR Plan, Recruitment & Contract Management
Achmad Rizal : arizal@rekayasa.co.id
cc :
Rahma Wijayanti : rahma_wijayanti@rekayasa.co.id
Eko Sulistomo : eko_s@rekayasa.co.id


General Requirement :
  • Male, maximum age 30 years old
  • S1 graduate from reputable Engineering university
  • At least 4 years experience at the same position in Oil & Gas Contractor
  • Able to recognize and understand of design plant
  • Able to make estimation and costing of engineered & bulk materials
  • Stable, dynamic, energetic, responsible and highly motivated with excellent communication
  • Must have good ability to work in a team and individually, honest, discipline, willing to work under pressure and over time
  • Familiar with Win Est. is preferable
  • Fluent in spoken and written English
Please send your application and complete Resume in English, along with transcript, color Photograph and expected salary within one week to :

Manager HR Plan, Recruitment & Contract Management

Achmad Rizal : arizal@rekayasa.co.id
cc :
M.Teddy Widjanarko : teddy@rekayasa.co.id
Rahma Wijayanti : rahma_wijayanti@rekayasa.co.id

Human Capital Specialist

General Requirement :
  • Male, maximum 28 years old
  • Minimum S1 Human Resource Management
  • Minimum 3 years of experiences in same position
  • Having experience in Competency Based Human Resources Management (CBHRM)
  • Able to work independently in a fast-paced changing environment
  • Posses a strong organizing, planning, communication, and analytical thinking
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written
  • Good communication, honest, well organized, self motivated & initiative
  • Good in computer skill (Microsoft Office)
Please send your application and complete Resume in English, along with transcript, color Photograph and expected salary within one week to :

Manager HR Plan, Recruitment & Contract Management

Achmad Rizal : arizal@rekayasa.co.id
cc :
Rahma Wijayanti : rahma_wijayanti@rekayasa.co.id

Electrical Engineer

General Requirement :
  • S1 in power electrical disciplines from reputable university, GPA minimum 3 of scale 4.
  • Minimum 4 years of experience working on manufacturer panel (Switchgear, MCC), Switchyard, Trafo or experience on Construction Power Plant (minimum 2 project experiences).
  • High level of computer literacy and creativity.
  • Proficiency in English both oral and written.
  • Must have good planning skill and interpersonal skills.
  • Must have good analytical thinking and ability to perform with minimum supervision.
Please send your application and complete Resume in English, along with transcript, color Photograph and expected salary within one week to :

Manager HR Plan, Recruitment & Contract Management

Attention : Achmad Rizal, SE
E-mail : arizal@rekayasa.co.id
cc :
Tajudin Noor : tajudin@rekayasa.co.id
Rahma Wijayanti : rahma_wijayanti@rekayasa.co.id

Please visit our website at:
Selengkapnya / Read More - Lowongan PT Rekayasa Industri Januari 2011

Lowongan TVOne Januari 2011

TVOne progressive inspires Indonesian society to think ahead and make improvements for themselves and their community through its News and Sports program. Earlier this year, TVone have 26 stations and at the end of the year will be 37 stations in various regions with 162 million potential viewers. Through these developments, is expected to spread the spirit of TVOne to promote national development. Currently we are looking for qualified candidates to fill following positions:

Secretary Director

  • Female, between 27-30 years old
  • Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) in Secretary (Tarakanita graduated prefered), minimum GPA 3.00
  • Minimum 3 years experience in same field prefered
  • Having logic analysis, good memory and able to work multitasking
  • Computer literate & fluent in English both oral and written
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
System Developer

  • Maximum 30 years old
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in IT/ Computer Science
  • Mastering .NET Technology and programming (VB, .NET, C#, ASP)
  • Mastering VB 6, Oracle connection and query, SQL Server, reporting tool Crystal Report and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concept
  • Having good data analytical skill
  • Willing to work overtime and able to work in team
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
Procurement Staff

  • Male
  • Age between 22-30 years old
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Electrical Engineering
  • Fresh graduate
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
Staf Settlement

  • Female
  • Maximum 25 yearl old
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting/ Management/ Finance with minimum GPA 2.80
  • Fresh graduate
  • Computer literate Microsoft Office
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
Internal Audit Manager

  • University graduated in Management /Accounting, preferably S2 in Management/Accounting with min GPA 3.00.
  • Five (5) years experience in the same position where he/she has successfully designed and executed programs aligned to SOP’s base on KPI with business goals.
  • Good knowledge about Internal Control and Risk Management (policy and procedure).
  • Experience and competencies in develop and design SOP’s and KPI in across various business processes and projects, to formulate appropriate conclusions and recommendations.
  • Most important competencies include: Build effective working relationships, plans and organizes, impact and influence, leads through vision and values, empowerment, coaches and develops others and effective communication.
  • Integrity, honesty, persistent, and good working in a team.
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
Staff Budget

  • Male
  • Maximum 27 years old
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting/ Finance
  • Minimum 2 years experience in same field prefered
  • Able to operate Accounting/ Finance system applications
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
Staff Research and Development

  • Male
  • Age between 23-25 years old
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) from FISIP
  • Minimum 1 year experience in programming prefered
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
Staff Planning and Scheduling

  • Male
  • Age between 23-25 years old
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major
  • Minimum 1 year experience in programming prefered
  • Able to thinking analytically, systematic, statistics and having journalistic interest
  • Closing date: January 31, 2011
Staff Trade Service

  • Maximum 25 years old
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major
  • Fresh graduate
  • Computer literate minimum Microsoft Office
  • Familiar with the figures
  • Hard worker
  • Thorough
  • Closing date: February 5, 2011
Client Service

  • Male
  • Maximum age 28 years
  • S1 All majors
  • Fresh Graduate
  • Mastering Computer min MS. Office
  • Familiar with the figures
  • English (Min Passive)
  • Thorough
  • Willing to be willing to work hard & if there is a sudden out of town service
  • Not married
  • Closing date: February 18, 2011

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, please apply online to:
Selengkapnya / Read More - Lowongan TVOne Januari 2011

Penerimaan Calon Peserta ODP PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services (PJB Services) 2011



Nomor: 003 / 010 /DIR-PJBS/2011




Dalam rangka persiapan pengelolaan Operation and Maintenance Unit Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik berbahan bakar batubara (Proyek Percepatan 10.000 MW), PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services (PT PJB SERVICES) membuka kesempatan bagi putra terbaik Indonesia yang telah lulus Diploma Tiga (D-3) Non Kependidikan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember untuk bergabung dalam Officer Development Program (ODP) Angkatan I Tahun 2011 PT PJB Services melalui seleksi administrasi dan akademis di beberapa Lembaga Pendidikan yang ditunjuk oleh PT PJB Services, sesuai dengan ketentuan dan syarat yang berlaku.

  1. Pendidikan : Diploma Tiga (D-3) Non Kependidikan
  2. Program Studi/Jurusan :
    • Teknik Mesin
    • Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)
    • Teknik Elektronika
    • Teknik Instrumentasi
  3. Usia : Maksimal 30 tahun
  4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
  5. Kondisi fisik sehubungan dengan kebutuhan pekerjaan dipersyaratkan sebagai berikut:
  6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani (tidak memiliki ketunaan fisik yang dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja)
  7. Tidak buta warna
  8. Bebas narkoba
  9. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm, berat badan seimbang

  • Status akreditasi : Minimal B
  • Nilai IPK : Minimal 2,70
  • Nilai TOEFL/disetarakan : Minimal 400
  • Lain-lain : Mampu mengoperasikan Aplikasi Microsoft Offices


Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada:



Lampiran surat lamaran terdiri atas:
  1. Riwayat hidup (CV)
  2. Fotokopi KTP, Kartu Keluarga, dan Akte Kelahiran
  3. Fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai terakhir (dilegalisir)
  4. Fotokopi sertifikat TOEFL
  5. Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian/SKCK (diserahkan pada saat seleksi wawancara)
  6. Pasfoto terbaru berwarna, ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
  7. Surat keterangan sehat, tinggi badan dan tidak buta warna dari Dokter
  8. Melampirkan surat pernyataan diri dengan tanda tangan di atas meterai Rp6000,- tentang:
  9. Kesanggupan mengikuti dan mematuhi ketentuan yang berlaku bagi Peserta Officer Development Program (ODP) selama 1 (satu) tahun
  10. Kesanggupan ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PJB Services, dan bersedia menjadi karyawan tetap (apabila memenuhi syarat) dengan ikatan dinas selama 3 (tiga) tahun secara berturut-turut;
  11. Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya;
  12. Tidak akan menuntut penghargaan/pengakuan atas ijazah yang lebih tinggi;
  13. Tidak akan menuntut untuk diangkat sebagai Karyawan Tetap pada saat mengikuti ODP dinyatakan tidak lulus.
  14. Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain.
  15. Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 31 Januari 2011
  16. Berkas lamaran diserahkan langsung melalui: SAC-ITS. Berkas aplikasi tidak dikirim melalui Pos atau paket lainnya. (Pelamar harus mempuyai USER ID di SAC. Info lengkap cek di web: www.sac.its.ac.id)
Tahapan seleksi dilaksanakan sebagai berikut:
  1. Seleksi administrasi dan akademis dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Pendidikan yang ditunjuk;
  2. Seleksi psikologi dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Psikologi yang ditunjuk;
  3. Seleksi/Wawancara oleh Tim yang ditunjuk dari Perusahaan;
  4. Seleksi Kesehatan I (Pemeriksaan fisik) dan Kesehatan II (General check-up) oleh Laboratorium Klinik yang ditunjuk.
  • Seluruh proses seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar agar mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
  • Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama tahapan seleksi berlangsung.
  • Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
  • Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak.
  • Bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi akan mengikuti Officer Development Program (ODP) selama 1 (satu) tahun dengan tahapan pendidikan dan pelatihan sebagai berikut:

    • Pembinaan kedisiplinan;
    • Pembekalan umum;
    • Pembidangan;
    • On the job training (OJT)

  • Bagi yang lulus ODP akan diangkat sebagai Karyawan Tetap dan akan ditugaskan sebagai Operator dan Teknisi Pemeliharaan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT. PJB Services.
Pendaftaran Online

Silahkan menggunakan link berikut untuk melakukan pendaftaran online:
Selengkapnya / Read More - Penerimaan Calon Peserta ODP PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services (PJB Services) 2011

Lowongan Pilot & Pramugari / Pramugara PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.

The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax’s Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

Pilot Recruitment For Boeing 737-Series Aircraft

Garuda Indonesia, the national flag carrier of Indonesia, is expanding its Boeing 737 Series fleet and is seeking qualified pilots to be part of our winning team.

We are seeking Rated Captain Pilots Boeing 737-300/400/500 to be converted as Boeing 737-800 (NG) Captain. Candidates must be Indonesian citizens who are fluent in English and of good character.

Specific Requierments :

1. Holding Valid ATPL with Instrument Rating.
2. Holding current rating for Boeing 737-300/400/500 with minimum 3 Take Offs & Landings within last 90 days.
3. Having a minimum of 2000 hours experience on jet aircraft and 1000 command hours on Type Boeing 737-300/400/500.
4. Having Valid First Class Medical Certificate.
5. Hold an ICAO English Proficiency Certificate minimum level IV
6. Passed screening and Proficiency Test conducted by Garuda Indonesia.

To Apply for this opportunity please submit your application and CV by signing into our linked e-recruitment website, http://career.garuda-indonesia.com within 2 (two) weeks from the date of this adverstisement.

For futher information please call:
Dipo Prima Prajoko (office hour 07.30-16.30 WIB)
Phone: 021-2560 1042 or Mobile: 0812222 8089

Flight Attendant (Pramugari/Pramugara)

* Male/Female
* Indonesian Citizen
* Age 21-26 years old
* Single
* Min D3 Degree
* Height 162cm (female), 167cm (male)
* Proportional Weight
* Not using glasses
* Physically and mentally healthy
* TOEIC score min 405

Online registration in available at Garuda Indonesia e-Recruitment website: http://career.garuda-indonesia.com
Registration will be closed on 28 January 2011 09.00 PM

1st Selection:
Saturday, 29 January 2011
08.00 AM – 04.00 PM
Ruang Auditorium
Garuda Indonesia Training Center (GITC)
Jl Raya Duri Kosambi No. 125 Jakarta Barat

Dress Code:
Female: Bright half arm blouse, dark knee length skirt, high heels, natural makeup
Male: long-sleeved shirt, tie, dark colors pants, dark loafers
For more information please contact:
Recruitment team: (021) 2560 1042
Bpk Giring 0856 9275 0594
Ibu Risa 0857 1871 1837
on working days 07.30 AM – 04.30 PM

Garuda Indonesia offers a highly attractive compensation & benefits package.
Selengkapnya / Read More - Lowongan Pilot & Pramugari / Pramugara PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)

Job Vacancy, Lowongan Tambang Emas Maluku, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals

PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals (NHM) is a joint venture company between Newcrest Mining of Australia and PT. Antam Tbk. PT NHM operates the Gosowong Gold Mining Operations on the island of Halmahera in North Maluku.

Manager Supply & Logistics
In this senior role you will required to lead and motivate th Supply and Logistic Department by:

* Managing Supply & Logistics teams ensuring safety policies are adhered to
* Managing supply budget
* Identify and implement continuous improvement projects
* Managing inventory, ensuring optimal inventory levels are maintained
* Sourcing of products and identification cost benefit analysis
* Managing port facilities at Bitung and Tj Barnabas
* Managing employee transportation on the island

Person Specifications
To be considered for this challenging role you will demonstrate a proven background, preverably in industrial, mining or construction industries with a minimum of 5 years experience in a similar role. You will have highly developed people management skills, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia & English, the ability to identify and implement improvement strategies and the desire to foster strong relationships to ensure the continued success of this organization. Qualification in a business related discipline will be highly regarded as will an understanding of mining equipment and processing plant

For interested qualified candidates, please send your updated resume and latest photo to:

PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals
PO BOX 1650 Manado 95016
or by email: recruitment@nhm.co.id
Only shortlisted candidate who meet the qualifications will be notified
Closing date is 25th January 2011

1. Production Engineer
2. Raisebore Operator
3. Raisebore Operator Offsider
4. Geotechnical Engineer


* Bachelor Degree (S1) Mining Engineering background is preferred (1)
* Bachelor Degree (S1) with related rock mechanics background (Mining, Geology, etc) (4)
* Min High School graduate or equivalent (2,3)
* 1-2 years experience in Mining (preferably underground) (1,4), fresh graduate are welcome to apply (1)
* Experience in drilling and raisebore/tunneling in mining or civil development (2)
* Good knowledge of Production scope (familiar with mining forecast and sequence, production recording and reporting system) (1)
* Able and have license to operate raisebore machine (raisebore certification is preferred) (2)
* Experience in raisebore tunneling in mining or civil development is preferred (3)
* Hold B2 Driving license (3)
* Good knowledge of Rock Mechanics and its software (4)
* Fluent in English both written and oral is essential
* Good physical condition
* Hard worker, initiative and able to work as a team
* Willingness to work
* Good communication skill and good attitude

For interested qualified candidates, please send your updated resume and latest photo to:

PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals
PO BOX 1650 Manado 95016
or by email: recruitment@nhm.co.id

Only shortlisted candidate who meet the qualifications will be notified. Closing date is 14th February 2011

Selengkapnya / Read More - Job Vacancy, Lowongan Tambang Emas Maluku, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals

Loker Telekomunikasi 2011, PT ZTE

PT. ZTE Indonesia as subsidiary company of ZTE Corporation is one of the leading telecommunication solution suppliers based on China providing total solution to telecom carriers worldwide. ZTE’s over 65,000 employees are working in more than 130 countries and regions in Asia, America, Europe, Africa, etc. In coping with our expansion in local market depending on our Indonesian large project demand, ZTE’s subcontractor is looking for outstanding employees in Indonesia to fill in the vacant position of:



Minimum D3 in administrative or secretary / economic / management.
Has minimum of 1 year experience in administration / project admin job.
Proficient in English, Excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
Proactive and good team player.
Computer literate, excellent skill in operating MS. Office (especially Ms. Excel).
Highly motivated, positive attitude and strong initiative.

Job Description:

Correspondence, Filing, Telephone call, Meeting arrangement, Collect internal approval, Making minutes of meeting.
Support document control, prepare & provide supporting documents for payment collection.
FOL assistance, Support Project Reconciliation, and other administrative works in relation with Project.



Minimum D3 in administrative or secretary / economic / management.
Has minimum of 2 years experience in administration / project admin job.
Proficient in English Excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
Proactive and good team player.
Excellent in providing and controlling document database efficiently & effectively: accurate, update & completeness.
Computer literate, excellent skill in operating MS. Office (especially Ms. Excel).
Highly motivated, positive attitude and strong initiative.

Job Description:

Produce, Collect, checking, controlling and maintain database of Acceptance Test documents.
Check and Control Acceptance Documents from Subcontractor, PAC from Subcontractor.
Archiving Project documents (site survey, Design Pack & MOP, PAT, FAT, Asset Value) Arrange delivery document for internal use or to Customer (ATP, As Built, Design Pack, FAT) Make & Maintain Project Documents Database.



Minimum D3 in administrative or secretary / economic / management.
Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
Proactive and good team player.
Computer literate, excellent skill in operating MS. Office (especially Ms. Excel).
Highly motivated, positive attitude and strong initiative.

Job Description:

Calculates the Project actual value comparing to PO/Contract.
Ensures the accurate and completeness of Reconcile calculation.
Produces and maintain reconcile documents & database.

Forward your comprehensive resume and CV in English to:

DeniYulius@zte.com.cn & dewi.octavia.l.tobing@zte.com.cn

Or post them to:

attn: Deni Yulius and Dewi Octavia

PT.ZTE Indonesia

The East Building, 26th Floor

Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Kav.E3.2 No.1

South Jakarta 12950

Selengkapnya / Read More - Loker Telekomunikasi 2011, PT ZTE

Lowongan Kerja Jogjakarta 2011, di IMAJIKU

IMAJIKU (www.imajiku.com) is a team of web developers based in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. We are focused on creating simple yet well-function website. Our client includes Gramedia, Tissue Tessa, ELTI, iBox, Kedaung and many more. We want to expand our extraordinary team.

Graphic Design Artist
1. Excellent sense of design
2. Expertise in using Photoshop or Firework.
3. Expertise in XHTML, CSS

Senior Web Programmer
1. Minimum 3 years experience in the same position
2. Expertise in PHP and XHTML CSS
3. Expertise in Java Scripting (jQuery)
4. Expertise in CodeIgniter framework

Junior Web Programmer
1. Experience with PHP and XHTML CSS
2. Experience in using jQuery and CodeIgniter
3. Sound knowledge in MVC concept

1. Excellent in communication and interpersonal skills
2. Attention to details
3. Familiar with email, browser, YM and Office applications

- Five working days, competitive salary, work from Yogyakarta

Send your CV to: career@imajiku.com
Please include the following information with your application:
- indicate the position and recent photographs
- include your best portfolio (show the URL)
- provide your facebook account
Selengkapnya / Read More - Lowongan Kerja Jogjakarta 2011, di IMAJIKU